24 Peaces
If you want to make peace with your enemy, you have to work with your enemy. Then he becomes your partner.
~Nelson Mandela
24 Peaces
:) RT @DeepakChopra: Sunshine for some, rain for others RT @rajeerajan: @DeepakChopra How do you expect Dec 21st 2012 ....to play out ?
24 Peaces
Congratulations to producer, Jennifer Young and director, Ron Judkins on reaching their goals with Kickstarter... http://t.co/Hi6daLWO
24 Peaces
24 Peaces: Daily Peacemakers is out! http://t.co/IfBPHx0z ▸ Top stories today via @LisaRossMagenty
24 Peaces
#FF our wonderful staff @Iammandrada @msjday1 @MediaSageJen @creativeGENE @CheekyMonkeySM
24 Peaces
24 Peaces
Interview with @24Peaces creator GENE RT @creativeGENE: Cheeky Monkey is really awesome!!! http://t.co/qGpo0KqK
24 Peaces
In honor of Veteran's Day and Remembrance Day, let's take a moment to thank those that served for their countries... http://t.co/o3Pi3nbZ
24 Peaces
Thank you! RT @CheekyMonkeySM: #FF Inspiring Faves @optimom @soul_whispers @jeffpulver @soulseedsmedia @24peaces @SweetSoaps