24 Peaces
Donna Sheehan and Paul Reffell are environmental, anti-war and cultural activists in northern California. Their... http://t.co/DHvMfFYB
24 Peaces
Thank YOU for all your support.. these are just a few of the many people we are grateful for supporting this project. http://t.co/GBoJ8Mhx
24 Peaces
May your holiday season and family and friend celebrations bring peace to your heart.
24 Peaces
#Peace RT @DeepakChopra: Now let us dedicate ourselves to love & compassion for all & malice toward none.
24 Peaces
Set peace of mind as your highest goal, and organize your life
around it.... http://t.co/PRDIdfjc
24 Peaces
Thank you, GENE! RT @creativeGENE: Make art, make love, make miracles. Make up your mind that you are the maker.
24 Peaces
Fabulous idea RT @electpeace: #Elect #Peace #2012 Campaign Buttons - yes on Tuesday ... but everyday http://t.co/5LjzHYMu via @Etsy
24 Peaces
24 Peaces: Daily Peacemakers is out! http://t.co/IfBPHx0z ▸ Top stories today via @sambranson